Friday, 24 April 2015

I believe in fairytales... Do you?

So, I finished reading Lord of the Rings. I cried. To say it was a good book would be the understatement of the century, and now the story is finished and all I can do now is read it again. And don't worry - I am. And I will read and re-read and re-read it until the day I die.

For now, I only own the first part - the Fellowship of the Ring - the others I borrowed from the library and took them back long after they were due... Oops... So I am halfway through the first part for the third time...

Frodo and Sam
Random Fact #1: In Tolkien's book, fair hair in Hobbits was rare and Sam had dark hair. Frodo was one of the only Hobbits with fair hair. In other words, Sam looked like Frodo, and Frodo looked like Sam.
Tolkien has a way of using words.  He draws the audience in and keeps them captivated even after the book has ended. Not once did I ever wish the story on. Not once did I feel that he was unnecessarily talking. Everything flows together and everything needed for the story to work is there - he left nothing out.

The work Tolkien put into Lord of the Rings shines through every phrase. His entire life was Middle Earth - he drew up maps, he wrote languages, he created calendars. The list goes on.

I guess the only way to describe it is like this: Shakespeare may have created the "basis" of stories, and I do love his works, but Tolkien took literature far beyond anyone had ever done (and will ever do). If you need another example, I will use music. Bach set the music world moving, but Tchaikovsky was the person who actually played around until it became utter beauty. Okay, other classical music composers were magnificent, but I'm trying to paint a picture.

Random Fact #2: The character of Faramir in the movie is so much different to the book - in the movie, he is almost conceited and he wants the Ring so h can conquer Sauron. In the book, he knows that the Ring cannot be used for good, and he avoids the trap that his brother, Boromir, falls into. Also, Boromir actually starts out as a trustworthy friend, but only after being tested by Galadriel in Lothlorien does he begin to desire the Ring.
The entire journey is so wonderful... All I can do is urge you to read it.

Okay, so I know it's fictional, but sometimes I can't help looking for Hobbits in my back yard, or taking bush-walking or hiking trips to see if I can find any Rangers. I am constantly looking out for Elves, as well as trying to be like them - walking softly without a noise, keeping perfect balance and grace, acting as if I am wise...

But LOTR is not the only thing I am utterly absorbed in - I listen out for the TARDIS at every moment; I check the back of wardrobes in case there's a secret world inside. There's the countless imagined meetings between myself and my favourite characters.

But would you blame me? Would you blame me if I told you that the Person who rescued me wrote the most amazing and unbelievable story of all? The crazy story of how an all-powerful, all-knowing God was also all-loving - so much that He would die to save the world... That is the ultimate tale. And it is true!


P.S. If you want more random facts about the differences between the book and the movies, read it and watch them for yourself - you will not regret a moment of it.